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241-243 Lygon Street

241 Lygon Street,, CARLTON VIC 3053 - Property No B3519


File only

Lygon Street - Historic Area

Lygon Street between Palmerston and Queensberry Streets,, CARLTON VIC 3053 - Property No B7241

Historically, Lygon and Elgin Street have, for the most part, been dominated by retail and to a lesser extent, residential activity. The visual character of the historic area is a clear expression of a 19th century commercial streetscape. The simple elegance of Lygon Street with its aura of spaciousness, the open space of Argyle Square with its stand of mature elm trees and the many small owner/proprietor shops offers personalised shopping that is a legacy of the last century. But ... more



Church Of Christ & Organ

Lygon Street Christian Chapel

42-54 Lygon Street,, CARLTON VIC 3053 - Property No B3644

Church Statement of Significance: A church of 1865, to which has been added in 1889 an ingenuous facade in pleasing bichrome brick, with square flanking turrets and with an interior of good proportions. The original classical church was typical of the nonconformist denominations. The architect of the church was W.M. Moore. Classified: 13/05/1976 Organ Statement of Significance: A two-manual organ of 14 speaking stops of unknown provenance, but almost certainly the work of ... more

